Source code for recommenders.models.geoimc.geoimc_data

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import logging
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from scipy.sparse import coo_matrix, isspmatrix_csr
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize

from recommenders.utils.python_utils import binarize
from .geoimc_utils import length_normalize, reduce_dims

logger = logging.getLogger("geoimc")

[docs]class DataPtr: """ Holds data and its respective indices """
[docs] def __init__(self, data, entities): """Initialize a data pointer Args: data (csr_matrix): The target data matrix. entities (Iterator): An iterator (of 2 elements (ndarray)) containing the features of row, col entities. """ assert isspmatrix_csr(data) = data self.entities = entities self.data_indices = None self.entity_indices = [None, None]
[docs] def get_data(self): """ Returns: csr_matrix: Target matrix (based on the data_indices filter) """ if self.data_indices is None: return return[self.data_indices]
[docs] def get_entity(self, of="row"): """Get entity Args: of (str): The entity, either 'row' or 'col' Returns: numpy.ndarray: Entity matrix (based on the entity_indices filter) """ idx = 0 if of == "row" else 1 if self.entity_indices[idx] is None: return self.entities[idx] return self.entities[idx][self.entity_indices[idx]]
[docs]class Dataset: """ Base class that holds necessary (minimal) information needed """
[docs] def __init__(self, name, features_dim=0, normalize=False, target_transform=""): """Initialize parameters Args: name (str): Name of the dataset features_dim (uint): Dimension of the features. If not 0, PCA is performed on the features as the dimensionality reduction technique normalize (bool): Normalize the features target_transform (str): Transform the target values. Current options are 'normalize' (Normalize the values), '' (Do nothing), 'binarize' (convert the values using a threshold defined per dataset) """ = None self.training_data = None self.test_data = None self.entities = None self.features_dim = features_dim self.feat_normalize = normalize self.target_transform = target_transform
[docs] def normalize(self): """Normalizes the entity features""" if self.feat_normalize: for i in range(len(self.entities)): if isspmatrix_csr(self.entities[i]):"Normalizing CSR matrix") self.entities[i] = normalize(self.entities[i]) else: self.entities[i] = length_normalize(self.entities[i])
[docs] def generate_train_test_data(self, data, test_ratio=0.3): """Generate train, test split. The split is performed on the row entities. So, this essentially becomes a cold start row entity test. Args: data (csr_matrix): The entire target matrix. test_ratio (float): Ratio of test split. """ self.training_data = DataPtr(data, self.entities) self.test_data = DataPtr(data, self.entities) self.training_data.data_indices, self.test_data.data_indices = train_test_split( np.array(range(0, data.shape[0])), test_size=test_ratio, shuffle=True, random_state=0, ) self.training_data.entity_indices[0] = self.training_data.data_indices self.test_data.entity_indices[0] = self.test_data.data_indices
[docs] def reduce_dims(self): """Reduces the dimensionality of entity features.""" if self.features_dim != 0: self.entities[0] = reduce_dims(self.entities[0], self.features_dim) self.entities[1] = reduce_dims(self.entities[1], self.features_dim)"Dimensionality reduced ...")
[docs]class ML_100K(Dataset): """ Handles MovieLens-100K """
[docs] def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__(self.__class__.__name__, **kwargs) self.min_rating = 1 self.max_rating = 5
[docs] def df2coo(self, df): """Convert the input dataframe into a coo matrix Args: df (pandas.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the target matrix information. """ data = [] row = list(df["user id"] - 1) col = list(df["item id"] - 1) for idx in range(0, len(df)): val = df["rating"].iloc[idx] data += [val] if self.target_transform == "normalize": data = data / np.sqrt( np.sum(np.arange(self.min_rating, self.max_rating + 1) ** 2) ) elif self.target_transform == "binarize": data = binarize(np.array(data), 3) # TODO: Get this from `` return coo_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(943, 1682))
def _read_from_file(self, path): """Read the traget matrix from file at path. Args: path (str): Path to the target matrix """ df = pd.read_csv( path, delimiter="\t", names=["user id", "item id", "rating", "timestamp"], encoding="ISO-8859-1", ) df.drop(["timestamp"], axis=1, inplace=True) return self.df2coo(df)
[docs] def load_data(self, path): """Load dataset Args: path (str): Path to the directory containing ML100K dataset e1_path (str): Path to the file containing row (user) features of ML100K dataset e2_path (str): Path to the file containing col (movie) features of ML100K dataset """ self.entities = [ self._load_user_features(f"{path}/u.user"), self._load_item_features(f"{path}/u.item"), ] self.normalize() self.reduce_dims() self.training_data = DataPtr( self._read_from_file(f"{path}/u1.base").tocsr(), self.entities ) self.test_data = DataPtr( self._read_from_file(f"{path}/u1.test").tocsr(), self.entities )
def _load_user_features(self, path): """Load user features Args: path (str): Path to the file containing user features information """ data = pd.read_csv( path, delimiter="|", names=["user_id", "age", "gender", "occupation", "zip_code"], ) features_df = pd.concat( [ data["user_id"], pd.get_dummies(data["user_id"]), pd.get_dummies(data["age"]), pd.get_dummies(data["gender"]), pd.get_dummies(data["occupation"]), pd.get_dummies(data["zip_code"]), ], axis=1, ) features_df.drop(["user_id"], axis=1, inplace=True) user_features = np.nan_to_num(features_df.to_numpy()) return user_features def _load_item_features(self, path): """Load item features Args: path (str): Path to the file containing item features information """ header = [ "movie_id", "movie_title", "release_date", "video_release_date", "IMDb_URL", "unknown", "Action", "Adventure", "Animation", "Childrens", "Comedy", "Crime", "Documentary", "Drama", "Fantasy", "Film-Noir", "Horror", "Musical", "Mystery", "Romance", "Sci-Fi", "Thriller", "War", "Western", ] data = pd.read_csv(path, delimiter="|", names=header, encoding="ISO-8859-1") features_df = pd.concat( [ pd.get_dummies(data["movie_title"]), pd.get_dummies(data["release_date"]), pd.get_dummies("video_release_date"), pd.get_dummies("IMDb_URL"), data[header[5:]], ], axis=1, ) item_features = np.nan_to_num(features_df.to_numpy()) return item_features