Source code for recommenders.models.deeprec.deeprec_utils

# Copyright (c) Recommenders contributors.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

import os
from sklearn.metrics import (
import numpy as np
import yaml
import zipfile
import pickle as pkl

from recommenders.datasets.download_utils import maybe_download

[docs]def flat_config(config): """Flat config loaded from a yaml file to a flat dict. Args: config (dict): Configuration loaded from a yaml file. Returns: dict: Configuration dictionary. """ f_config = {} category = config.keys() for cate in category: for key, val in config[cate].items(): f_config[key] = val return f_config
[docs]def check_type(config): """Check that the config parameters are the correct type Args: config (dict): Configuration dictionary. Raises: TypeError: If the parameters are not the correct type. """ int_parameters = [ "word_size", "entity_size", "doc_size", "history_size", "FEATURE_COUNT", "FIELD_COUNT", "dim", "epochs", "batch_size", "show_step", "save_epoch", "PAIR_NUM", "DNN_FIELD_NUM", "attention_layer_sizes", "n_user", "n_item", "n_user_attr", "n_item_attr", "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "user_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "hidden_size", "T", "L", "n_v", "n_h", "kernel_size", "min_seq_length", "attention_size", "epochs", "batch_size", "show_step", "save_epoch", "train_num_ngs", ] for param in int_parameters: if param in config and not isinstance(config[param], int): raise TypeError("Parameters {0} must be int".format(param)) float_parameters = [ "init_value", "learning_rate", "embed_l2", "embed_l1", "layer_l2", "layer_l1", "mu", ] for param in float_parameters: if param in config and not isinstance(config[param], float): raise TypeError("Parameters {0} must be float".format(param)) str_parameters = [ "train_file", "eval_file", "test_file", "infer_file", "method", "load_model_name", "infer_model_name", "loss", "optimizer", "init_method", "attention_activation", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", ] for param in str_parameters: if param in config and not isinstance(config[param], str): raise TypeError("Parameters {0} must be str".format(param)) list_parameters = [ "layer_sizes", "activation", "dropout", "att_fcn_layer_sizes", "dilations", ] for param in list_parameters: if param in config and not isinstance(config[param], list): raise TypeError("Parameters {0} must be list".format(param))
[docs]def check_nn_config(f_config): """Check neural networks configuration. Args: f_config (dict): Neural network configuration. Raises: ValueError: If the parameters are not correct. """ if f_config["model_type"] in ["fm", "FM"]: required_parameters = ["FEATURE_COUNT", "dim", "loss", "data_format", "method"] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["lr", "LR"]: required_parameters = ["FEATURE_COUNT", "loss", "data_format", "method"] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["dkn", "DKN"]: required_parameters = [ "doc_size", "history_size", "wordEmb_file", "entityEmb_file", "contextEmb_file", "news_feature_file", "user_history_file", "word_size", "entity_size", "use_entity", "use_context", "data_format", "dim", "layer_sizes", "activation", "attention_activation", "attention_activation", "attention_dropout", "loss", "data_format", "dropout", "method", "num_filters", "filter_sizes", ] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["exDeepFM", "xDeepFM"]: required_parameters = [ "FIELD_COUNT", "FEATURE_COUNT", "method", "dim", "layer_sizes", "cross_layer_sizes", "activation", "loss", "data_format", "dropout", ] if f_config["model_type"] in ["gru", "GRU"]: required_parameters = [ "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "loss", "method", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", "hidden_size", ] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["caser", "CASER", "Caser"]: required_parameters = [ "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "user_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "loss", "method", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", "T", "L", "n_v", "n_h", "min_seq_length", ] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["asvd", "ASVD", "a2svd", "A2SVD"]: required_parameters = [ "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "loss", "method", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", ] elif f_config["model_type"] in ["slirec", "sli_rec", "SLI_REC", "Sli_rec"]: required_parameters = [ "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "loss", "method", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", "attention_size", "hidden_size", "att_fcn_layer_sizes", ] elif f_config["model_type"] in [ "nextitnet", "next_it_net", "NextItNet", "NEXT_IT_NET", ]: required_parameters = [ "item_embedding_dim", "cate_embedding_dim", "user_embedding_dim", "max_seq_length", "loss", "method", "user_vocab", "item_vocab", "cate_vocab", "dilations", "kernel_size", "min_seq_length", ] else: required_parameters = [] # check required parameters for param in required_parameters: if param not in f_config: raise ValueError("Parameters {0} must be set".format(param)) if f_config["model_type"] in ["exDeepFM", "xDeepFM"]: if f_config["data_format"] != "ffm": raise ValueError( "For xDeepFM model, data format must be 'ffm', but your set is {0}".format( f_config["data_format"] ) ) elif f_config["model_type"] in ["dkn", "DKN"]: if f_config["data_format"] != "dkn": raise ValueError( "For dkn model, data format must be 'dkn', but your set is {0}".format( f_config["data_format"] ) ) check_type(f_config)
[docs]def load_yaml(filename): """Load a yaml file. Args: filename (str): Filename. Returns: dict: Dictionary. """ try: with open(filename, "r") as f: config = yaml.load(f, yaml.SafeLoader) return config except FileNotFoundError: # for file not found raise except Exception: # for other exceptions raise IOError("load {0} error!".format(filename))
[docs]class HParams: """Class for holding hyperparameters for DeepRec algorithms."""
[docs] def __init__(self, hparams_dict): """Create an HParams object from a dictionary of hyperparameter values. Args: hparams_dict (dict): Dictionary with the model hyperparameters. """ for val in hparams_dict.values(): if not ( isinstance(val, int) or isinstance(val, float) or isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, list) ): raise ValueError( "Hyperparameter value {} should be integer, float, string or list.".format( val ) ) self._values = hparams_dict for hparam in hparams_dict: setattr(self, hparam, hparams_dict[hparam])
def __repr__(self): return "HParams object with values {}".format(self._values.__repr__())
[docs] def values(self): """Return the hyperparameter values as a dictionary. Returns: dict: Dictionary with the hyperparameter values. """ return self._values
[docs]def create_hparams(flags): """Create the model hyperparameters. Args: flags (dict): Dictionary with the model requirements. Returns: HParams: Hyperparameter object. """ init_dict = { # dkn "use_entity": True, "use_context": True, # model "cross_activation": "identity", "user_dropout": False, "dropout": [0.0], "attention_dropout": 0.0, "load_saved_model": False, "fast_CIN_d": 0, "use_Linear_part": False, "use_FM_part": False, "use_CIN_part": False, "use_DNN_part": False, # train "init_method": "tnormal", "init_value": 0.01, "embed_l2": 0.0, "embed_l1": 0.0, "layer_l2": 0.0, "layer_l1": 0.0, "cross_l2": 0.0, "cross_l1": 0.0, "reg_kg": 0.0, "learning_rate": 0.001, "lr_rs": 1, "lr_kg": 0.5, "kg_training_interval": 5, "max_grad_norm": 2, "is_clip_norm": 0, "dtype": 32, "optimizer": "adam", "epochs": 10, "batch_size": 1, "enable_BN": False, # show info "show_step": 1, "save_model": True, "save_epoch": 5, "write_tfevents": False, # sequential "train_num_ngs": 4, "need_sample": True, "embedding_dropout": 0.0, "EARLY_STOP": 100, # caser, "min_seq_length": 1, # sum "slots": 5, "cell": "SUM", } init_dict.update(flags) return HParams(init_dict)
[docs]def prepare_hparams(yaml_file=None, **kwargs): """Prepare the model hyperparameters and check that all have the correct value. Args: yaml_file (str): YAML file as configuration. Returns: HParams: Hyperparameter object. """ if yaml_file is not None: config = load_yaml(yaml_file) config = flat_config(config) else: config = {} if kwargs: for name, value in kwargs.items(): config[name] = value check_nn_config(config) return create_hparams(config)
[docs]def download_deeprec_resources(azure_container_url, data_path, remote_resource_name): """Download resources. Args: azure_container_url (str): URL of Azure container. data_path (str): Path to download the resources. remote_resource_name (str): Name of the resource. """ os.makedirs(data_path, exist_ok=True) remote_path = azure_container_url + remote_resource_name maybe_download(remote_path, remote_resource_name, data_path) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(os.path.join(data_path, remote_resource_name), "r") zip_ref.extractall(data_path) zip_ref.close() os.remove(os.path.join(data_path, remote_resource_name))
[docs]def mrr_score(y_true, y_score): """Computing mrr score metric. Args: y_true (np.ndarray): Ground-truth labels. y_score (np.ndarray): Predicted labels. Returns: numpy.ndarray: mrr scores. """ order = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1] y_true = np.take(y_true, order) rr_score = y_true / (np.arange(len(y_true)) + 1) return np.sum(rr_score) / np.sum(y_true)
[docs]def ndcg_score(y_true, y_score, k=10): """Computing ndcg score metric at k. Args: y_true (np.ndarray): Ground-truth labels. y_score (np.ndarray): Predicted labels. Returns: numpy.ndarray: ndcg scores. """ best = dcg_score(y_true, y_true, k) actual = dcg_score(y_true, y_score, k) return actual / best
[docs]def hit_score(y_true, y_score, k=10): """Computing hit score metric at k. Args: y_true (np.ndarray): ground-truth labels. y_score (np.ndarray): predicted labels. Returns: np.ndarray: hit score. """ ground_truth = np.where(y_true == 1)[0] argsort = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1][:k] for idx in argsort: if idx in ground_truth: return 1 return 0
[docs]def dcg_score(y_true, y_score, k=10): """Computing dcg score metric at k. Args: y_true (np.ndarray): Ground-truth labels. y_score (np.ndarray): Predicted labels. Returns: np.ndarray: dcg scores. """ k = min(np.shape(y_true)[-1], k) order = np.argsort(y_score)[::-1] y_true = np.take(y_true, order[:k]) gains = 2**y_true - 1 discounts = np.log2(np.arange(len(y_true)) + 2) return np.sum(gains / discounts)
[docs]def cal_metric(labels, preds, metrics): """Calculate metrics. Available options are: `auc`, `rmse`, `logloss`, `acc` (accurary), `f1`, `mean_mrr`, `ndcg` (format like: ndcg@2;4;6;8), `hit` (format like: hit@2;4;6;8), `group_auc`. Args: labels (array-like): Labels. preds (array-like): Predictions. metrics (list): List of metric names. Return: dict: Metrics. Examples: >>> cal_metric(labels, preds, ["ndcg@2;4;6", "group_auc"]) {'ndcg@2': 0.4026, 'ndcg@4': 0.4953, 'ndcg@6': 0.5346, 'group_auc': 0.8096} """ res = {} for metric in metrics: if metric == "auc": auc = roc_auc_score(np.asarray(labels), np.asarray(preds)) res["auc"] = round(auc, 4) elif metric == "rmse": rmse = mean_squared_error(np.asarray(labels), np.asarray(preds)) res["rmse"] = np.sqrt(round(rmse, 4)) elif metric == "logloss": # avoid logloss nan preds = [max(min(p, 1.0 - 10e-12), 10e-12) for p in preds] logloss = log_loss(np.asarray(labels), np.asarray(preds)) res["logloss"] = round(logloss, 4) elif metric == "acc": pred = np.asarray(preds) pred[pred >= 0.5] = 1 pred[pred < 0.5] = 0 acc = accuracy_score(np.asarray(labels), pred) res["acc"] = round(acc, 4) elif metric == "f1": pred = np.asarray(preds) pred[pred >= 0.5] = 1 pred[pred < 0.5] = 0 f1 = f1_score(np.asarray(labels), pred) res["f1"] = round(f1, 4) elif metric == "mean_mrr": mean_mrr = np.mean( [ mrr_score(each_labels, each_preds) for each_labels, each_preds in zip(labels, preds) ] ) res["mean_mrr"] = round(mean_mrr, 4) elif metric.startswith("ndcg"): # format like: ndcg@2;4;6;8 ndcg_list = [1, 2] ks = metric.split("@") if len(ks) > 1: ndcg_list = [int(token) for token in ks[1].split(";")] for k in ndcg_list: ndcg_temp = np.mean( [ ndcg_score(each_labels, each_preds, k) for each_labels, each_preds in zip(labels, preds) ] ) res["ndcg@{0}".format(k)] = round(ndcg_temp, 4) elif metric.startswith("hit"): # format like: hit@2;4;6;8 hit_list = [1, 2] ks = metric.split("@") if len(ks) > 1: hit_list = [int(token) for token in ks[1].split(";")] for k in hit_list: hit_temp = np.mean( [ hit_score(each_labels, each_preds, k) for each_labels, each_preds in zip(labels, preds) ] ) res["hit@{0}".format(k)] = round(hit_temp, 4) elif metric == "group_auc": group_auc = np.mean( [ roc_auc_score(each_labels, each_preds) for each_labels, each_preds in zip(labels, preds) ] ) res["group_auc"] = round(group_auc, 4) else: raise ValueError("Metric {0} not defined".format(metric)) return res
[docs]def load_dict(filename): """Load the vocabularies. Args: filename (str): Filename of user, item or category vocabulary. Returns: dict: A saved vocabulary. """ with open(filename, "rb") as f: f_pkl = pkl.load(f) return f_pkl